Harmony in Chaos: The Violin's Fiery Symphony

Call for Talented Composers | Create the Spatium Symphony

LXKeys is opening its doors to innovation and creativity by issuing a global call to talented composers. We invite you to participate in the creation of a grand opus: the Spatium Symphony. This project aims to transform the 72 texts of the Ultima Codex into an unparalleled symphonic experience, marking a historic moment at the crossroads of music, literature, and digital art.

Participation | Candidate Profile and Motivations

Eligibility | This call is open to composers of all levels, from beginners to professionals, welcoming participants of any age, experience, and geographic origin.

Why Participate?

  • Appreciation and Rewards | Selected works will be published under the auspices of LXKeys, ensuring composers’ copyrights and international recognition.
  • Visibility and Prestige | Chosen contributions will benefit from widespread distribution at a global launch event and will be permanently included in the LXKeys archives, thus celebrating their contribution to this major artistic project.

Submission Guidelines

Inspiration | Draw from one of the texts of the Ultima Codex, transforming it into a musical piece that explores its themes and atmosphere.


  • Duration | Between 3 and 7 minutes to ensure the coherence of the whole.
  • Instrumentation | For symphonic orchestra, open to instrumental innovation.
  • Format | Submission of a complete score and a quality recording (MIDI mockup accepted).

Application Process

  1. Registration | Candidates must register via the online form.
  2. Presentation of the Work | Submission of a presentation video, accompanied by the score and recording.
  3. Evaluation | Works will be selected by a jury composed of eminent members of LXKeys and musical field experts, based on their originality, quality, and alignment with the spirit of the Ultima Codex.


  • Submission Deadline | June 5, 2024, at midnight.
  • Announcement of Selections | The results will be communicated directly to the selected composers, with a public announcement planned shortly after the submission deadline.

LXKeys Commitment

Participate in this unique call to stamp your mark on the contemporary musical landscape, under the sign of LXKeys’ innovation and artistic collaboration. Together, let’s create a symphony that travels through space and time, reflecting the richness of our shared universe.

To begin your creative journey and for more information, fly between LXKeys universes.